Tag Archives: THC

What is Delta-9 and Why it Matters

What is Delta-9 and Why it Matters

What is Delta-9 and Why it Matters To the uninitiated, Delta-9 may sound like a US Military task force or special ops unit. However, that’s the Delta Force! Delta-9 is a shortened term for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. More popularly known as THC, Delta-9 is a psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. While there are several […]

Here’s Why: Cannabis Can Protect Your Brain From Stress & Injury

Cannabis Can Protect Your Brain From Stress & Injury

Cannabis is widely known for its numerous therapeutic properties. Many studies are being carried out globally to help determine more benefits that Cannabis can offer. One result from these studies indicates how cannabis can protect the brain from stress and injury. Brain injuries or head trauma can result in the dysfunction of the brain, and […]